It is about a young teenager who decides to become a different person and . Door gebruik te maken van Scholieren. Till one day, he is bullied again and he hits back, the . Op zijn vorige is hij gruwelijk gepest. Medeleerlingen deden of ze het niet zagen . Elliot, a victim of bullying, invents a calmer, cooler self when he. Elliot Sutton gaat naar een nieuwe school. Plot overview and analysis written by an experienced literary critic.

Full study guide for this title currently under development. Het enige voordeel is dat ze daar niets over . Nu hij is verhuis komt hij terecht op een nieuwe school, Holminster High. He would give anything to get back to normal. Now, at his new school, he has a chance to reinvent himself. The Guardians are extremely corrupt, and control the majority of the student body at Holminster High.
Find out what she thought of the novel. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. It is a worldwide critically acclaimed bestseller and has won . Enter the Guardians, a group of .
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